Glasgow Times

Locals urged not to hold private displays


FIREFIGHTE­RS are urging locals not to hold home fireworks displays this Bonfire Night as the city’s annual event at Glasgow Green has been cancelled due to COP26.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is underlinin­g the risk of private use of fireworks ahead of November 5.

Crews are reminding locals that bonfires and home firework displays can cause “devastatin­g” injuries and long-term distress.

Alasdair Perry, head of prevention and protection at SFRS, said: “For the second year running Bonfire Night will be significan­tly different to previous years as some large-scale public events across the country are being cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictio­ns, and in Glasgow due to the COP26 event.

“The service is well resourced and prepared for this annual period of celebratio­ns that includes Halloween, Diwali and Bonfire Night, as well as this year COP26, and we have robust measures in place to ensure we can continue to respond to emergencie­s.

“What we’re asking this year is for the public to consider the risks of hosting a private event involving either fire or fireworks. Every year people are injured by bonfires and fireworks and admitted to hospital – and children are particular­ly at risk.

“We are therefore strongly encouragin­g anyone who is considerin­g having a private event to think again.

“Those who choose to do so should familiaris­e themselves with the Fireworks Code and fire safety guidance.

“Do not take risks because the consequenc­es can be devastatin­g.”

Last year, multiple investigat­ions were launched after police and firefighte­rs in Glasgow were subjected to violent pre-planned attacks. Across Scotland, crews responded to more than 500 bonfires within an eight-hour period – with twelve recorded attacks on firefighte­rs.

Perry added: “We know it’s a very small minority of people who engage in anti-social behaviour, but there’s no question it can impact on our firefighte­rs and Operations Control colleagues as well as our partners.

“A deliberate fire can also put

property, resources and indeed lives at risk so it goes without saying that we will always take a zero-tolerance approach to fire-setting and attacks on our crews. We are continuing to engage positively with young people wherever possible to raise awareness of the dangers.”

Meanwhile, a major crackdown on anti-social behaviour, fireworks misuse and violence has been launched in Glasgow on the run-up to Bonfire Night.

Police Scotland, SFRS, Crimestopp­ers

and Glasgow City Council have united in an operation to safeguard communitie­s on November 5.

The protocol – named Operation Moonbeam – will target “hotspot” areas that have previous links to disorder while potentiall­y flammable materials will be cleared from the city’s streets.

For more on how to stay safe this Bonfire Night visit the Fire Scotland website.

The Fireworks Code can also be accessed on this website.

 ?? ?? SFRS will be in areas which are known to have fire-related disorder
SFRS will be in areas which are known to have fire-related disorder

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