Glasgow Times



SHOCKING pictures show the aftermath of a house fire in Glasgow on Bonfire Night. The community wants to rid fireworks from their area after the blaze caused extensive damage to a house on Friday.

Fire services were called to Cronberry Quadrant in Crookston just after 8pm to tackle the blaze.

While police continue enquiries, neighbours are said to be in agreement that the fire was caused by a firework and are concerned about the danger they can cause when not used carefully.

Local resident Neil Warnock said: “If you look at the roofs of the houses in this street, there’s a gap near the gutter where a firework could easily get in. I’ve spoken to a few neighbours who agree it was a firework.

“The roofs used to be flat so they have concrete which thankfully stopped it from being much worse. It’s a relief that no-one was hurt.”

The roof of the house has collapsed inwards from the damage, and the remnants are blackened by ash.

There was a gaping hole in one side of the

roof gutter, and smoke could be smelled from the public path. The front door and the door of the neighbouri­ng house have been boarded up since fire crews left the scene.

Neil added: “Fireworks should be banned or used only by local councils. If that is the direct result of a firework being used inappropri­ately then they should only be let off during organised events.”

“I have discussed this with a few of my neighbours and we are all fed up of fireworks in the area. There are too many risks and too many people not using them properly.”

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokespers­on said: “We were alerted at 8.19pm on November 5 to reports of a smoke coming from a property at Cronberry Quadrant.”

Police also released a statement which did not confirm the cause, but that they are “continuing” enquiries.

A Police Scotland spokespers­on said: “Around 8.50pm on Friday, police and fire services were called to a report of a fire at a house in Cronberry Quadrant.

“No-one was in the house at the time. The house has been extensivel­y damaged. A neighbouri­ng property has been evacuated as a precaution. Enquiries into the cause of the fire are continuing.”

 ?? ?? The doors have been boarded up since fire crews attended
The doors have been boarded up since fire crews attended

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