Glasgow Times


Erdogan against Nato additions


TURKISH president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country is “not favourable” toward Finland and Sweden joining Nato – indicating that Turkey could use its status as a member of the western military alliance to veto moves to admit the two countries.

“We are following developmen­ts concerning Sweden and Finland carefully but we are not of a favourable opinion,” Erdogan said.

He explained his opposition by citing Sweden and other Scandinavi­an countries’ alleged support for Kurdish militants and others whom Turkey considers to be terrorists. He also accused Greece, a Nato ally, of using the alliance against Turkey”.

Meanwhile, a report by the Swedish government on the changed security environmen­t facing the Nordic country after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine says Moscow would react negatively to Sweden joining Nato and launch several counter-measures.

The Swedish government’s security policy analysis, which will be used as a basis for Prime

Minister Magdalena Andersson’s cabinet to decide whether to seek membership in the western military alliance, was presented to Swedish politician­s yesterday.

Sweden’s governing Social Democratic Party, led by Andersson, is expected to reveal its decision tomorrow.

The report pointed to Nato membership carrying a number of advantages for Sweden – above all the collective security provided by the 30-member military alliance.

It also lists numerous tactics Russia is likely to take in retaliatio­n. These could include cyber attacks and violations of Swedish airspace or territoria­l sea.

Other aggressive behaviour, including strategic signalling with nuclear weapons, is also conceivabl­e from Moscow, the report said.

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