Glasgow Times

Warm weather has me scared for Bella

Ask the vet


My white dog, Bella, loves lazing in the sunshine, but I’m worried that her skin may burn as the weather gets hotter. How can I protect her without keeping her indoors?

Both dogs and cats with white fur are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer through excessive sun exposure – especially on their ear tips. Try not to let Bella lie in the sun for long periods of time, and to prevent burning, consider applying pet-friendly sunscreen to the top of her ears, nose and any areas of thin fur. If you’re unsure, speak to your vet, as they will be able to advise you on how best to protect your furry friend. You can find a selection of pet-friendly sunscreens to choose from by visiting https:// pdsapetsto­

I have five goldfish, but recently one of them lost an eye. I don’t think they have been fighting, so what may have happened?

Goldfish can become infected with bacteria and parasites which can sometimes cause eye disease. If left untreated, these can have serious consequenc­es such as losing an eye. Aggression between fish is a possibilit­y, but without examining your goldfish, it is difficult to determine the cause. I’d recommend taking your fish to a vet with an interest in this species as soon as possible so that they can advise on what may have caused the issue and whether any medical treatment is needed.

My cat, Rosie, seems to have very itchy ears, and sometimes there is a discharge. Do I need to take her to a vet?

It sounds like Rosie could

have developed an ear infection or ear mites, both of which can result in pain and discomfort. I’d advise taking her to see your vet as soon as possible. Your vet will examine Rosie’s ears and advise what treatment is required. For more informatio­n on ear problems in cats, visit earproblem­sincats

I’ve just brought home my first puppy, but I’m not sure what kind of food I’m supposed to feed them. What would you suggest?

Puppies need a good quality, commercial­ly available, complete puppy food, developed to meet

the nutritiona­l needs for their age and breed size. Wet food can be more palatable and provides additional moisture, while biscuits or kibble are convenient, and can help to keep teeth clean as well as being handy to use as treats. Look for the Pet Food Manufactur­ers Associatio­n (PFMA) label on your chosen puppy food, a reassuring sign that food manufactur­ers, like Royal Canin, strive to meet increased food quality standards – their food should support your pup through each stage of their developmen­t, helping to prevent issues in later life. For more informatio­n, check out PDSA’s #WeighUp campaign, with free access to expert advice on diet, exercise and wellbeing for your furry friend.

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