Glasgow Times

Court process begins for probe into baby’s death


THE first notice to begin court proceeding­s for a Fatal Accident Inquiry ( FAI) into the death of a baby girl in a Glasgow hospital has been lodged.

Sophia Smith was just 11 days old when she died at the Royal Hospital for Children at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital ( QEUH) campus on April 11, 2017.

The newborn became ill with an infection similar to MRSA, which developed into sepsis.

Now, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service ( COPFS) announced it has lodged a first notice to begin the court process which will examine her death, with a preliminar­y hearing set for May 7, 2024 at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

An FAI seeks to determine the cause of death and to establish the circumstan­ces in which the death occurred.

It also looks at whether any reasonable precaution­s could have been taken to help prevent the death and examines what could be implemente­d in future to minimise the chance of future deaths in similar circumstan­ces.

FAIs do not seek to attribute blame to anyone but rather aim to establish facts.

The inquiry will explore what role the infection played in her death, the standard of care and communicat­ion.

Procurator Fiscal Andy Shanks, who leads on death investigat­ions for COPFS, said: “The Lord Advocate considers that the death of Sophia Smith occurred in circumstan­ces giving rise to significan­t public concern and as such a discretion­ary FAI should be held to ensure there can be a full public hearing of the facts of the case.

“The lodging of the first notice enables FAI proceeding­s to commence under the direction of the sheriff.

“Sophia’s family will continue to be kept informed of significan­t developmen­ts as court proceeding­s progress.”

In 2020, Sophia Smith’s case was handed over to the Crown Office and a decision was made not to bring criminal charges.

This could be reversed if more evidence emerged.

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