Glasgow Times

Thug broke cabbie’s nose in row over cash

- Connor Gordon news@ glasgowtim­es. co. uk

A THUG and his friends ambushed a taxi driver following a row over paying with cash.

Ryan Hamilton, 34, and two others pounced on Iyoha Edene in Glasgow’s Ibrox on June 14, 2023.

Hamilton had initially entered the taxi and was asked if he could pay with money for the taxi.

This sparked an argument between the pair and Hamilton was told to leave the vehicle.

Hamilton challenged Mr Edene to get out the car and called him a “black b******”.

The racist went on to punch and kick Mr Edene to the head and body before his friends joined in.

The stricken victim was left with a number of injuries including a broken nose.

Hamilton pleaded guilty on Wednesday at Glasgow Sheriff Court to acting in a racially aggravated manner.

He also admitted assaulting Mr Edene to his severe injury.

Co- accused Charles Campbell, 40, who appeared from custody, had his not guilty plea to the assault accepted by the Crown.

The court heard the driver picked up Hamilton who told Mr Edene to “just drive.”

Prosecutor Katie Malcolm said: “Mr Edene asked if he had sufficient money to pay for the service.

“He was told by Hamilton that he could pay with his watch and his phone. Hamilton was told that he would be required to pay with money. He then became aggressive and argued with Mr Edene.”

The driver told his passenger to get out of the vehicle before Hamilton attempted to punch him.

He went on to walk around to the driver’s door and demanded Mr Edene “get out of the f*** ing vehicle”.

Hamilton stated: “I want to kill you” and called him the racial slur.

Miss Malcolm said: “Mr Edene got out the taxi and was immediatel­y assaulted by Hamilton.

“He punched and kicked him to the head and body which caused the victim to fall to the ground. Hamilton called on his two friends who joined in on the assault.”

Police later attended and traced Hamilton, of the city’s Dumbreck, before he was arrested.

Mr Edene was taken to hospital where he was found to have suffered a broken nose, wounds to his hand and arm as well as swelling to his left eye.

Sentence was deferred pending background reports until next month by Sheriff Tony Kelly who continued Hamilton’s bail.

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