Glasgow Times

Letter to the editor This wouldn’t be allowed in Edinburgh


IF this was a building in Edinburgh it would not have been allowed to get in such a truly bad and dangerous condition, but the council don’t own the building or the land, so who pays for the demolition and safety barrier costs?

Glasgow used to have many classical buildings like this one, but in Glasgow they either mysterious­ly go on fire or just get torn down.

Maybe the council can claim the land as compensati­on for its costs?


PEOPLE have been trying to save Bridge Street building heritage for years. Instead, the council have allowed the building to fall into a level of disrepair that threatens people’s lives.

Now they will demolish it with no attempt to save the facade.


IF the council evacuated them then they should have found hotels for them all to stay in until alternativ­e accommodat­ion was found.

Steve Jones

BUILDINGS falling down, roads crumbling, homelessne­ss at unpreceden­ted levels.

Reminds me of that old quote of Nero plays the fiddle as Rome burns.

Donald Webster

SNP and Greens have no interest whatsoever in heritage or preservati­on.

Wake up people and stop voting for them, unless you want a city that looks like the inside of an IKEA.


IF apart from student housing they actually built more accommodat­ion that anyone could use then maybe, just maybe, they would have found somewhere to house them.

Steven Park

UTTERLY disgracefu­l.

Surely if the council “demands” you leave where you live then they should provide hotel accommodat­ion.

After all, it would cost less than the expense of a single councillor’s jaunt to Dubai etc.

Brian McGuire

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