Glasgow Times

Man woken, dragged outside and attacked

- Eszter Tarnai eszter. tarnai@ newsquest. co. uk

A MAN was woken up, dragged outside his home and assaulted by a stranger in the middle of the night.

Around 1am on January 22 last year, the resident was asleep at his Dalmarnock home when he woke up and realised someone was outside his property shouting.

He went downstairs to see David Blair, of Bridgeton, heavily under the influence.

Blair, 25, approached and stopped the man from closing the door on him.

He punched the man in the face and dragged him from the property.

The two struggled and the man sustained scratches and red marks.

The incident was seen by two passers- by who alerted the police.

Around 1.30am, officers arrived and Blair was traced. He was arrested and cautioned.

He was escorted into a police van and he became aggressive.

Blair kicked the two police officers, causing redness.

He called one cop a “f** king p** fy b***** d” as he continued to act aggressive­ly.

Blair appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court, pictured, last week after he pleaded guilty to violently struggling, kicking and striking the door while intoxicate­d.

He also admitted to assaulting the man and two cops.

His lawyer said at the hearing: “There is little I can add to this. Ultimately, he had been drinking during the day and he made references to blacking out.

“He has been through a difficult time in the last two years.

“His mum and aunt passed away and he turned to drink at times.

“This is not an excuse at all. “He started to recognise that he needs to deal with the difficulti­es he is going through.

“There are no previous conviction­s, nothing outstandin­g. But these offences are of particular seriousnes­s.”

Sheriff Owen Mullan said: “I don’t see how it gets much more serious than this.

“Let me be frank with you, I am thinking of sending this man to jail.

“He assaulted a random man in his house and two police officers. He shouted homophobic abuse.”

Blair’s lawyer told the court his client recognised the seriousnes­s of the incident.

He said: “This is a young man, 25 years old, who is trying to deal with his ongoing issues.

“He is a vulnerable young man. “He is dealing with underlying issues.”

The sheriff said to Blair: “You are 25 years old, not 16.

“I have to say, it is with some hesitation but I am prepared to not send you to jail.”

Blair was sentenced to 225 hours of unpaid work and tagged for 108 days, requiring him to stay at home between 7pm and 5.45am.

He was also ordered to pay £ 900.

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