Glasgow Times

Charity challenge


A BRAVE Renfrewshi­re man has embarked on a year- long climb for charity.

Jason Turnbull ( above) is challengin­g himself to climb 24 Munros throughout 2024 to raise funds for Sight Scotland Veterans.

The centre officer and driver at the charity’s Hawkhead Centre in Paisley will direct all proceeds towards improving the quality of life for veterans, ensuring they receive the care and support they need.

Turnbull decided to merge his love for nature with his passion for the charity.

He believes each Munro he overcomes signifies a metaphoric­al victory, mirroring the bravery and resilience exhibited by the veterans the charity supports.

So far, he has climbed four Munros covering more than 29 miles of harsh terrain and ascending almost 10,000 feet.

He said: “I’ve always loved hillwalkin­g and the great outdoors, and now, I want to combine this passion to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have served our country.

“Climbing 24 Munros in a single year is no small feat, but it pales in comparison to the challenges faced by our veterans.

“Each day our expert teams coordinate activities for veterans to explore interests, reconnect with their passions, develop new skills and meet new friends in a safe, welcoming environmen­t.

“Our activities include archery or acoustic shooting, using the gym, making a bird table or bench in woodwork, arts and crafts, music, IT, virtual reality headsets – the list is really endless.”

Sight Scotland Veterans also supports veterans to adapt to life with sight loss and instils confidence in them to manage everyday tasks.

Craig Spalding, chief executive of Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, thanked Turnbull for his effort. He said: “Jason is a valued member of the team at the Hawkhead Centre and has a great rapport with all the veterans who attend.

“Let’s hope as many people as possible get behind Jason and I will be cheering him on all the way.”

To support Jason’s mission, visit his Just Giving page at tinyurl. com/ yy8h96ev.

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