Glasgow Times

Green MSP bursts into tears on radio


A SCOTTISH Green Party MSP has broken down in tears on BBC Radio Scotland following the First Minister’s decision to end the Bute House Agreement.

Gillian Mackay, MSP for Central Scotland, spoke on the 5.10pm BBC Scotland Drivetime Radio show yesterday with host John Beattie, where she said Humza Yousaf ’ s reason to end the two- and- a- half- year agreement was “as clear as mud”.

She told the host the First Minister was “essentiall­y saying you’re dumped but can we still be friends” and that she does not know “that this holds water, especially for someone who is supposed to be leading the country”.

She added: “Humza has done this to himself in removing us from government … There is a lot of hurt and upset around.”

Host Mr Beattie asked her if an apology from Mr Yousaf would be welcome.

She replied: “I think it’s a bit late for that. He needs a time machine to go back and undo the decision he made yesterday morning.

“There is still no logical reason coming from the First Minister as to why he made that decision. He has shot himself in the foot; now saying he wants to collaborat­e with everyone on an issue- by- issue basis and thinks we are all game playing around votes of no confidence.

“He had an agreement that protected ministers from votes of no confidence, he ended that. His argument that the agreement has run its course is as clear as mud.”

When Mr Beattie said the Green MSP sounded “bitter” in regard to Mr Yousaf ’ s decision, she broke down in tears.

“I’m actually quite upset,” she said.

“And a lot of people will have seen me being upset.

“We’ve had two- and- a- half years of working really well together and it’s sad that has all been undone by one person.”

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