Glasgow Times

SNP activist in bid to halt ‘ coronation’


JOHN Swinney’s coronation as Scotland’s new first minister could face a challenge after a veteran SNP activist moved to enter the leadership contest.

Graeme McCormick is said to be confident he can secure enough nomination­s from party members to trigger a race.

While Mr Swinney would almost certainly win any vote by a considerab­le margin, a battle would delay his move into Bute House until the end of May.

Anyone looking to enter the contest needs the support of 100 members from 20 different branches by today’s noon deadline.

According to the Yours For Scotland website, Mr McCormick – a retired conveyanci­ng solicitor who has served as convener of SNP’s Dumbarton branch

– had secured the support of 40 members from 20 different branches by Thursday night.

He was at the All Under One Banner independen­ce rally in Glasgow Green on Saturday with his nomination forms.

The SNP’s ruling NEC has already said that, if there is more than one candidate, the vote will run between May 13 and 27.

In that case, it is likely there will be hustings across Scotland. There were nine during last year’s six- week contest.

Mr McCormick made headlines last October when he described the SNP’s independen­ce plan as “flatulence in a trance”.

A spokespers­on for Mr Swinney said: “John Swinney has pledged to unite the SNP and has made clear his determinat­ion to ensure there is open and respectful debate in the SNP on key policy questions.”

Humza Yousaf was also preparing to step down this week, but if a contest is triggered, he will remain in charge of the Scottish Government for another three weeks.

Meanwhile, Scottish Labour has repeated its demand for the next first minister to call an immediate Holyrood election.

The party’s deputy leader, Jackie Baillie, said: “The governance of any country cannot simply be a revolving door.”

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