Glasgow Times

MoD is censured after death of soldier



Ministry of Defence

( MoD) has been censured with the maximum sanction from the Health and Safety Executive following the death of a Paisley soldier who was accidently shot during a night- time training exercise.

Conor McPherson who was a private in the Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Scotland, died while training at the Heely Dod firing range in Otterburn, Northumber­land, on August 22, 2016.

His father described him as a “model son” and said the family have been left facing a future of “deep sorrow”.

The Health and Safety Executive ( HSE) said Pte McPherson was part of a team of five when he was accidental­ly shot in the back of the head by a fellow soldier at around 11pm.

The 24- year- old died at the scene. The group had been shooting at remote controlled targets as they manoeuvred on foot through the moorland firing range and were using live rounds and night vision technology at the time.

An HSE investigat­ion found the MoD ( Army) failed to properly implement a safe system of work for the exercise. It has issued the MoD with a Crown censure and said by accepting the censure, the MoD admitted breaching health and safety at work rules.

HSE inspector Jonathan Wills said: “Our thoughts are with the family of Private McPherson, with whom we have remained in close contact.

“Just like any other employer, the MoD has a responsibi­lity to reduce dangers to its personnel, as far as it properly can.”

The HSE investigat­ion found the planning and conduct of the exercise were poor, with an ineffectiv­e system to monitor the management arrangemen­ts mandated within the MoD’s own procedures.

The MoD cannot face prosecutio­n in the same way as non- Government bodies and a Crown censure is the maximum sanction for a Government body that HSE can bring.

There is no financial penalty associated with Crown censure, but once accepted is an official record of a failing to meet the standards set out in law.

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