Gloucestershire Echo

We all deserve better than this Brexit heist

- John Ricketts Lynworth » Write to: The Editor, Reach plc, Suite 121C, First Floor, Staircase C, Gloucester Quays, St Ann Way, Gloucester GL1 5SH » Email letters and images: glosprint@ We are unable to print letters anonymousl­y

✒ ONE of the central lies of the 2016 referendum was that we had lost sovereignt­y to the EU.

The Leave people wanted us to accept that would-be dictators on the continent wished to take away our voice, vote and influence.

We can now see the May government fighting to get us to accept a “deal” no better than what we have as EU members, with the added complicati­on of a £38 billion divorce settlement.

Perhaps it is sensible to claim that Brexit was an audacious heist of a country – ours – by a cunning, ruthless gang of very rich men who used scams, lies and dirty tricks. Do we deserve better?

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