Gloucestershire Echo

Total is growing Military and pupils add to hospital fund


STUDENTS and soldiers have helped raise more than £6,000 to help save and transform lives. Pupils from Balcarras School in Cheltenham put on several fundraisin­g events in aid of the £1.2million Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity’s CT Scanner Appeal.

They held a sponsored walk and dress down day and other activities to generate £6,000.

Head of year Mark Constance said: “Balcarras are thrilled to be able to support this appeal, and our students were really supportive of a large chunk of the charity money we raised this year going towards the scanner appeal.

“The students really enjoyed having the opportunit­y to hear about the life changing difference­s that the scanners will make.”

The total raised for the appeal stands at more than £420,000.

Sergeant Major

Jamie Weaver

A bring and buy sale will raise money for the appeal on Saturday, March 2, 10am12.30pm at Hucclecote Methodist Church Hall. Books, DVDS, CDS, toys, puzzles and crafts can be donated from 9.30am.

sprang into action to help after his son needed to use the CT scanner while undergoing tests for his ear at Gloucester­shire Royal Hospital. The Stroudborn soldier works at the Commando Training Centre in Devon and was able to raise £200 from the officers’ mess fund.

He said: “This equipment truly is lifesaving. I had a scan myself years ago when I had concussion from playing rugby.

“When I heard about the appeal, I was only too happy to help, and I am really pleased we were able to raise the money so quickly.”

The charity has also launched the #My100days campaign to inspire people to go the extra mile to improve their health and raise funds for the appeal.

Whether it’s cutting down on alcohol, getting more exercise or quitting sugar, most of us will begin the year with a pledge to make a positive change to our lifestyle.

By signing up to the #My100days challenge, you can set your own personal health goal to achieve in 100 days and raise money for the appeal.

Senior fundraiser Karen Organ said: “We cannot thank both Balcarras and Jamie and the Commando Training Centre for their support for the appeal.

“There are so many ways people can help fundraise for us from our My100days campaign and running a marathon for us to coffee mornings and dress down to work days in the office.

“If you would like to find out more about the appeal or the work we do, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.”

You can sign up to the #My100days challenge and receive your fundraisin­g pack by emailing ghn-tr.fundraisin­g@

Visit days to set up a twibbon and show your pledge on social media

To set up an online giving page visit

 ??  ?? Sergeant Major Jamie Weaver hands over his £200 donation and, left, pupils from Balcarras backing the scheme
Sergeant Major Jamie Weaver hands over his £200 donation and, left, pupils from Balcarras backing the scheme
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