Gloucestershire Echo

Country is in a mess after wasted two years


✒ WHAT a waste of two years.

The right wing of the Conservati­ve party seem determined to exit the EU what ever the cost, for their own benefits, not the countries as a whole.

We all know now that David Cameron was an arrogant idiot for setting up the referendum as it was and then assuming he’d win, and then not having the balls to see it through. Typical Etonian mess.

Theresa May was given a poison chalice, but she has well and truly botched it and the shower around her are of no support or integrity either.

It seems to me that the triggering of Article 50 was timed to avoid EU laws on tax evasion and avoidance by Tory donor corporatio­ns such as Costa coffee and Virgin.

My MP Laurence Robertson could not afford me, or the readership of the Echo the time to reply to my letter published on December 28 - I wonder if he will this time

The country is in a complete mess. The deal the Prime Minister has negotiated seems to have no chance of passing in Parliament, and seems to please nobody.

The Government seems to be putting off the big decisions yet again, but we now need to get on with putting the Brexit issue to bed once and for all.

Quite frankly everyone I speak to is sick of hearing about it. Karl Morris Cheltenham

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