Gloucestershire Echo

Man warned after breaching behaviour order


A MAN from Cheltenham has been given a warning for breaching an Antisocial Behaviour Injunction order following his disorderly behaviour in Cheltenham.

The county court had handed a one-year order to Christophe­r “Benjamin” Casewell, of Village Road, last month.

The case against him was brought by Solace, a joint team that includes officers from Gloucester­shire Constabula­ry, Cheltenham Borough Council and Gloucester City Council to address anti-social behaviour.

The injunction forbids Mr Casewell from:

Engaging in conduct which causes or is capable of causing alarm, harassment or distress; Entering or being in the shaded area which is edged in red on the map; Begging at any time or sitting down in a public place with personal items around him or displaying anything that could be used to receive money within the town of Cheltenham

The order was issued after Mr Casewell was warned by the borough council and Gloucester­shire police to stop causing harassment, alarm and distress to members of the public through begging, urinating and taking drugs in a public place.

The court heard how he would sit on the pavement begging outside shops pretending to be homeless. To do this he would bring along items which he would use to make himself appear as someone who was rough sleeping and persuade people to give him money.

Mr Casewell was also witnessed urinating and taking what appeared to be drugs in a public place. Following the order of this injunction on Tuesday, May 16, officers from Solace witnessed Mr Casewell breaching his injunction on Friday, May 31.

As a result he was arrested, remanded in custody and presented to the court where he received a warning from the Judge that he could receive a custodial sentence for any future breaches. There is a power of arrest attached to all conditions as above on the order which remains in place for a year and expires on May 16 2020.

Solace Case Officer, Lisa Jones said: “Before taking enforcemen­t action we followed a process which involved discussing and giving Mr Casewell an initial letter of concern, detailing all agencies that he could seek help and support from.

“He then received a final warning letter and he was again signposted to support agencies in the hope that it would help him break the cycle of antisocial behaviour and drug use.

If you witness Mr Casewell breaching his ASBI, contact the police by calling 101.

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