Gloucestershire Echo

Body negativity can cause anxiety and depression


BODY image, or how we think and feel about our physical appearance, can play a big role in our mental health and general wellbeing.

A negative body image has been linked to lower quality of life, feelings of anxiety and depression and unhealthy eating behaviours.

While a positive body image is associated with healthier eating habits and better wellbeing overall.

Although body image concerns are often highest among young women, they can affect both men and women at any time from childhood through to later life.

The extent to which people are concerned about their body image has been highlighte­d in a recent survey carried out by the Mental Health Foundation.

More than 4,500 adults took part with results showing that one in five experience shame about their bodies and over a third admitted to having felt anxious or depressed about the way they looked.

One in eight adults a said that body image issues had led to suicidal thoughts and feelings.

Among a further 1,100 teenagers who responded to the survey, 37% said they felt upset and 31% said they felt ashamed about their body image.

There are lots of reasons why people worry about their body image, including the way our friends and families talk about body image, exposure to unrealisti­c body images in the media and experienci­ng pressure to look a certain way.

It seems that social media has a large part to play, with one in five adults and two in five teenagers reporting that images on social media have caused them to have concerns about their bodies.

With this in mind, if you are worried about your body image it may be worth thinking about your own use of social media.

Are there specific people or accounts that you follow that portray unhelpful messages about body image or leave you feeling anxious or down about your own appearance?

If so, consider unfollowin­g those accounts. You may also want to consider following accounts with more positive messages about body image or limiting the amount of time you spend on social media.

If body image is causing you a lot of distress or you are being bullied or shamed for the way you look talk to someone you trust.

You can also speak to your GP to find out what profession­al help is available in your area.

Dr Ellie Milby is a counsellin­g psychologi­st

 ??  ?? Negative body image can lead to depression
Negative body image can lead to depression

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