Gloucestershire Echo

Mop Fair called off for ‘the first time since World War’


TEWKESBURY’S famous Mop Fair has been cancelled this year because of Covid-19.

The event’s organiser and the chairman of the town’s fair society both believe it is the first time since the Second World War that the event has been called off.

James Danter, whose family runs the 821-year-old fair, said he and Tewkesbury Borough Council had jointly decided that the event on October 9 and 10 would not go ahead.

He said the decision had been taken after five weeks of discussion­s and came down to the fact that getting the large crowds who attend the fair to comply with social-distancing requiremen­ts might not be possible.

With Tewkesbury’s relatively narrow streets and alleyways crowded with people, there would be a risk of spreading coronaviru­s, he said.

And he added that with visitors coming from other places, such as Cheltenham, Gloucester and Worcester, the danger was that the virus could be spread elsewhere too. He said: “The traders are all gutted because it brings them a lot of trade.

“I’m disappoint­ed that it’s got to this situation but I’ve got to put the NHS and the health of people in Tewkesbury before profit.

“It’s probably true that it’s not been cancelled apart from during the Second World War. We are at war at the moment with an unseen enemy.”

Mr Danter said he also would not be taking his rides to the Winchcombe Mop Fair later next month.

Steve Perry, chairman of Tewkesbury Fair Society, said he was disappoint­ed but he supported the decision.

“Because the streets of Tewkesbury are so narrow in places, you couldn’t have social distancing,” he said.

He added that this year’s fair society model show had also been cancelled but it planned to uphold the historic royal charter granting the town the right to hold the Mop Fair.

He said this might be done by setting up a stall in the town centre.

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