Gloucestershire Echo

Headteache­r talks about school life after lockdown


ents have is that their child will struggle to adjust back into school life after so long away from their friends.

Claire said: “Transition back into school is of paramount importance for all of us working with your children. School will do everything they can to help their transition.

“For some children we know this will be easy and for some this will be tricky and as a staff we are all very aware of this.

“For those children who find it tricky our curriculum has been planned with lots of PSHE and pastoral learning (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) – the personal and mental health will be a huge focus for the whole school and vitally important for all children.”

Another big concern for guardians is that their child will have lost a seemingly large chunk of their education last year due to lockdown.

In response to this, Claire said: “Our priority at first is to settle all children into school before making any judgements about education or gaps in learning. Although lots of negatives have been in the media about missing education, children will have also benefited from lots of family time. There will be areas we will catch-up with and we will have strategies and interventi­ons to do this.

“We will do everything we possibly can to ensure children are not disadvanta­ged by the pandemic. Children do adapt very well and teachers are very skilled at ensuring gaps in learning are closed and children feel confident.

“Some learning may have to be covered again but this is not a problem as recapping is part of our curriculum and this is also good practice for ensuring misconcept­ions are addressed and learning can progress in small steps.

“We view learning as a process of building and layering knowledge and skills so we need to make sure that children can continue to make links and build upon their prior learning in order to continue to progress.

“As a school we will keep parents updated and maybe suggest different homework activities that can help reinforce learning in school.”

“We will do everything we possibly can to ensure children are not disadvanta­ged by the pandemic” Claire Tuffley

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