Gloucestershire Echo

Hislop talks TV comedy and eye tests in Durham



HAVE I Got News For You star Ian Hislop has said he occasional­ly worries about being sacked from the hit BBC comedy programme.

Hislop, the editor of satirical magazine Private Eye, has been a captain on the panel show with comedian Paul Merton for nearly 30 years.

The programme has over the years courted controvers­y and the BBC is currently facing scrutiny over equal pay, diversity, free TV licences for the over-75s and competitio­n from streaming services.

“I occasional­ly worry about being sacked,” Hislop said.

Hislop, who was speaking at Cheltenham Literature Festival to mark his 60th birthday, said critics of the show believed they were “Momentumin­spired, lefty lunatics”.

“I feel there was a moment where again in this sort of polarised world, somehow the director-general, or someone who was briefing others, got it into their heads that any criticism of the Government on a panel show suggests this is a bunch of sort of Momentum-inspired, lefty lunatics,” he said.

“I just now quote from the Daily Telegraph, who have really got it in for Boris, and ask just how right-wing you would like us to be. We’re sort of around the Spectator and the Telegraph editorial at the moment. #

“There is quite a lot of that sort of nonsense about.

He said his most recent favourite episode was when, during a monologue, he heavily criticised Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s adviser, Dominic Cummings, for a quarantine trip to Durham.

“The entire mission of the Government had been to tell the country to move on. We had this story he didn’t break the regulation­s so can everybody move on,” Hislop said.

“When he says, ‘I was doing it as an eye test’ and I can say you were just testing your lies and there’s nothing they can do about it.

“A huge number of our audience said what you did was made us feel better.

“I was cross because many of you had obeyed the rules, particular­ly around care homes and not visiting people and we’ve lost someone and hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye...

“There were loads of people all over the country really trying to do the right thing and the Prime Minister’s special adviser was just taking the piss. They just made you feel stupid.

“They tell people not to go to the beach and the people on the beach say, ‘I’ve only gone out once, why don’t you arrest Dominic Cummings?.’”

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