Gloucestershire Echo

Shake-up for planning could kill our county

- Michael Newman Bishop’s Cleeve

✒ WHILE the planning shake-up proposed by the Government may sound fine on a first reading, it risks providing a developers’ charter.

Side-lining councils may not be the best way of going about things. Often, the troops on the ground know best.

And while designatin­g every piece of land in the country for growth, renewal or protection may seem fine, it presuppose­s that every piece of land in need of protection is already protected.

This is not the case. Most worrying of all is the proposal to increase building in the Cotswolds by 148%.

And what has produced this figure – wait for it – an algorithm!

We have seen from A-level exam results how wildly inaccurate this device can be.

All that will happen is that huge swathes of the countrysid­e will be gobbled up to produce unaffordab­le housing in beauty spots.

And rural communitie­s would still lack the affordable housing they need!

I do approve of the plan to make every new street tree-lined.

More carefully thought out, the shake-up in general could prove beneficial, but remember, the CPRE has identified sufficient brownfield sites for one million new houses.

In addition, there are 600,000 houses in England lying empty (National Homeless Alliance) and 400,000 houses for which planning permission has been granted, but of which not a brick has been laid (House Builders’ Federation).

There is no need of a mass plundering of green fields. During the pandemic, many people have experience­d the benefits of connecting with nature.

Not just in the exercise of a daily walk, but in the mental well-being that a greener life makes possible.

And scientific research has exposed the link between deforestat­ion and the growth of zoonotic diseases such as Covid-19. If we do not respect nature, we will pay a price, as in the bush fires in Australia, and the melting ice floes of the Arctic.

And where are all these new houses going? Concentric circles of red-brick round picturesqu­e villages, which will then be un-picturesqu­e.

What will that do for tourism in Gloucester­shire? Our county is rural, and should not be treated like Greater Manchester.

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