Gloucestershire Echo

Mr Chalk is right about widespread cynicism


ALEX Chalk started his last weekly column in the Echo with: “There has been some understand­able cynicism in Cheltenham.”

He’s right, but it’s not just over the local A&E as he suggests.

There are no funds to tide over deprived children with free school

meals, but we see huge contracts for PPE granted to Tory party donors.

Since the pandemic Meller Designs, co-owned by major Tory donor David Meller, has reportedly obtained millions in contracts for PPE business; and P14 Medical, run by Tory councillor Steve Dechan, has also reportedly obtained contracts worth millions for face shields.

Clipper Logistics, whose chairman has made large donations to the Conservati­ve Party, obtained a contract for delivery of PPE to the NHS.

These are just a few of the many firms who have obtained public contracts behind closed doors and whose owners have links to the Tory party.

Needless to say, there are concerns with quality on a number of outsourced arrangemen­ts, and the National Audit Office is probing a £150m contract for unusable masks.

Covid-19 is a national emergency with many experienci­ng great hardship, and the death of loved ones.

However, the Tory Government, instead of dealing intelligen­tly with the pandemic, seems to have made it a priority that its friends do extremely well out of it. So, you are quite right, Mr Chalk, there is cynicism, but it’s with this Government. It would be nice if you tried to do something about that, instead of voting against free school meals for deprived children.

Frank Chacko Cheltenham

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