Gloucestershire Echo

Talks to be held to help Playhouse


IWANTED to update Echo readers about the Cheltenham Playhouse and the actions that are being taken to seek financial support for this important and valued community theatre.

The background is that the Playhouse’s applicatio­n for £50,000 from the Covid Culture Recovery Fund was turned down earlier this month. That came as a real blow – and a surprise, frankly, given that other Cheltenham organisati­ons were successful to the tune of over £2.4 million in total.

I declare a personal interest, as someone who was lucky enough to get experience of the arts through a Playhouse workshop as a teenager in the 1990s. I know what a difference it can make to the lives of young people.

Following the announceme­nt I made contact with Oliver Dowden MP’S advisors. The upshot was a one-on-one meeting with the Secretary of State, during which I set out my concerns. I had approached him specifical­ly because the Culture Recovery Fund is part of a £1.57 billion package of DCMS Arts support.

Following those talks, I was able to secure a telephone meeting with the relevant South West representa­tive of ACE, which makes the individual decisions. Although robust, I think it’s fair to describe it as a positive discussion.

The next step is to arrange a meeting between ACE and the Playhouse representa­tives. I have put them in touch and I’m pleased to report that meeting has been organised for November 5 to discuss the way forward.

We mustn’t get our hopes up, but it is positive that ACE has agreed to my request to meet the Playhouse. We also shouldn’t expect any immediate decision; I understand from ACE that it will take some weeks for our representa­tions and any further applicatio­n to work their way through the ACE bureaucrac­y.

I’ll keep you updated.

In the meantime, huge thanks to the Playhouse trustees for their enormously hard work behind the scenes – and for taking my calls at ungodly hours.

 ??  ?? Alex Chalk MP Member of Parliament for Cheltenham
Alex Chalk MP Member of Parliament for Cheltenham

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