Gloucestershire Echo

Support for businesses hit by financial issues during this lockdown


TEWKESBURY Borough Council has been given additional government funding to support more businesses severely impacted by the current lockdown period.

The Additional Restrictio­ns Grant is for businesses who have suffered a financial loss as a result of the national restrictio­ns that came into force on November 5 but have not been required to close.

Councils are able to determine which businesses to target and how much they can receive through this additional funding.

The council has determined its eligibilit­y criteria for the grant, which includes:

businesses which supply the retail, hospitalit­y and leisure sectors

businesses in the events sector or who supply the events sector

businesses who have been forced to close due to circumstan­ces beyond their control

businesses who have been severely impacted by the national restrictio­ns in place from November 5 to December 2.

Councillor Rob Bird, leader of Tewkesbury Borough Council, said: “There will be many businesses throughout the borough who, although not themselves required to close, are adversely affected by the restrictio­ns imposed during this second lockdown. This extra funding will enable us to provide financial support for these businesses and help them through a very difficult time, and I would ask anyone interested in obtaining funding to check the criteria to see if they are eligible.”

Further details on the grant’s eligibilit­y criteria and the online applicatio­n form can be found at­restrictio­ns-grant.

Free support and advice on wider support schemes are also available through the Tewkesbury Growth Hub. Email tewkesbury@thegrowthh­

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