Gloucestershire Echo

A brighter future is in store for us


NEWS of the success of the Oxford vaccine is a big boost in the run-up to Christmas. Although it still needs to be signed off by independen­t regulators, Gloucester­shire’s NHS is gearing up to begin the roll-out before the end of the year.

With 100m doses on order, and 40m of the Pfizer version, the UK is well placed for vaccine supplies compared to peer nations.

Now thoughts must turn to Cheltenham’s economic recovery. As always, our enduring connection with the intelligen­ce agencies will be vital. That’s why the Government’s £24bn investment in our nation’s defence, the largest since the Cold War, is particular­ly good news for our town.

This funding will help to support the National Cyber Force, which will work alongside the National Cyber Security Centre – part of GCHQ – to disrupt hostile state activities, terrorist groups and organised criminal networks threatenin­g our national security.

We need this capability more than ever. In July, the NCSC revealed Russian cyber actors, known as APT29, had been targeting organisati­ons involved in coronaviru­s vaccine developmen­t.

We are responding, and the UK is now in the words of the Director of GCHQ a “world-leading cyber power” capable of taking the fight to adversarie­s in cyber space, to protect our country and our way of life.

I want to see that technical expertise delivering for our local economy too. That’s why, back in 2014, I first set out my vision for Cheltenham to become a national cyber hub.

Since then, the NCSC’S Government­funded Cyber Accelerato­r has been set up in Cheltenham. Over 30 start-ups have already been successful­ly nurtured, creating jobs and attracting millions of pounds of outside investment.

Now, with a further £23m of Government support being rolled out in transport improvemen­ts around Arle Court to open up the Cyber Park site, we can begin to look forward to a brighter, hi-tech future, generating jobs for the people of Cheltenham.

 ??  ?? Alex Chalk MP Member of Parliament for Cheltenham
Alex Chalk MP Member of Parliament for Cheltenham

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