Gloucestershire Echo

If I had known I would have ended up feeling like this, I may not have played rugby at all

Former Gloucester player Neil Spence talks about how the concussion­s and head injuries he suffered in his career affect his life now


IF I am frank about it, I’ve lost count of the number of concussion­s and head injuries I have had through my career.

In fact, I used to judge how well I had played based on how fuzzyheade­d I felt at the end of a game. I have been told by people that when I played, I’d put my head where some people wouldn’t even put their feet on a daily basis! Total madness.

“I first started to take note of my symptoms back in 2012 after a nasty bang on the head during a game which left me with a constant headache.

My GP sent me for a CT scan, but there was no abnormalit­y.

She also put me on anti-depressant­s and beta blockers to help with the anxiety that I was feeling.

“2014 was a bad year. I was suffering terribly with mood swings, anxiety attacks, depression and anger issues. I felt like my head was going to explode.

I would feel angry and frustrated at even the smallest obstacles.

“My fiance Sarah often says that I have lost my fun side.

I used to be the life and soul of the party, but I feel that side of me is lost forever.

Sarah will regularly find items in odd places in the house, I might put something meant for the fridge in the dishwasher and vice-versa.

I also am prone to violent verbal outbursts and regularly forget what I am talking about.

My speech has become slurred at times and Sarah and the kids complain I mumble and will sometimes stop speaking midsentenc­e.

“The pressure of my personalit­y changes grew too much for us during lockdown.

Sarah works for the NHS, while I was at home doing home schooling for my son Zac, aged 11, and nine-year-old daughter, Millie.

I was at breaking point and moved out for two months, but we’re back together now fighting this diagnosis together.

“I still love the game of rugby, but if I had known I would have ended up feeling like this, I may not have played at all.”

 ??  ?? Neil Spence played for England Under-21s
Neil Spence played for England Under-21s

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