Gloucestershire Echo

Parents’ plea to help son with rare tumour


THE parents of a baby boy, who is suffering from a very rare cancerous tumour in his arm, are appealing for help.

Albie Waite, who is 21 months old, has what specialist­s believe is a Rhabdoid tumour. As well as being very rare, it is very aggressive.

The tumour was first detected when Albie’s mum, Leanne, was dressing him and his arm got stuck inside his T-shirt. As Leanne tried to pull his arm free, it bent backwards slightly and Albie screamed with pain.

Leanne knew that something was wrong and she and her husband, Chris, spent the next few weeks making several trips to A&E, followed by having X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans at the Great Western Hospital in Swindon. They were then referred to the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and then to a nerve specialist for a biopsy at the Royal National Orthopaedi­c Hospital in Stanmore, Middlesex.

Now the devastated parents, who have lived in Fairford all their lives, face daily trips to Bristol and sometimes London with Albie, so that he can receive chemothera­py, radiothera­py and physiother­apy.

Doctors have said that the tumour will be difficult to remove with surgery as it is situated in the nerve sheath of his already severely impaired right arm.

Leanne and Chris were childhood sweetheart­s and went to school together. Their wedding in 2020 was one of the first weddings in the country to take place after the first Covid lockdown.

Leanne, who has two daughters from a previous relationsh­ip, nine-year-old Lilly and seven-year-old Poppy, suffered three miscarriag­es after she had Albie and is now pregnant with a fourth child that is due in October.

She said: “Having Albie in August 2019 was a miracle in itself.

“I have had to suffer the sorrow and heartache of three miscarriag­es since having Albie. We will do everything we possibly can to be with him and support him throughout his treatment.”

As a self-employed general builder, Chris does not get paid if he does not work.

So with three children, another on the way and the prospect of many weeks travelling back and forth to Bristol, things are looking bleak financiall­y for the family.

At a time when Leanne and Chris should be focussing their full attention on their sick toddler and his sisters, they have the additional worry of how to pay the bills and the travelling expenses.

Chris said: “The specialist­s said that only three to five children in the UK are diagnosed each year with this very rare form of tumour and that the odds of

Only three to five children in the UK are diagnosed each year with this very rare form of tumour

getting the tumour are about one in a million. Albie is definitely our one-ina-million special baby boy.”

A Justgiving page has been set up online for people to donate to help Albie and his family. The aim is to raise £10,000 and more than £7,000 has been pledged so far. See­ng/aidalbie

Chris Waite

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 ??  ?? Albie Waite, and left, with his parents Chris and Leanne
Pictures: Chris Roberts
Albie Waite, and left, with his parents Chris and Leanne Pictures: Chris Roberts
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