Gloucestershire Echo

Electricit­y theft cases on rise as crisis mounts


ELECTRICIT­Y theft is rising across Gloucester­shire amid soaring costs, with typical energy bills predicted to hit £4,200 by January.

Home Office figures show there were 15 crimes of dishonest use of electricit­y in the region last year, up from 13 in 2020-21.

The crimes involve an individual tampering with the electricit­y supply or meter so the correct use is not recorded accurately. Energy regulator Ofcom says it increases costs and is a “serious risk to safety”.

There were 3,587 crimes of dishonest use of electricit­y recorded in England and Wales last year – a 13 per cent increase on 3,161 in 2020-21 and the highest since available records began in 2002-03.

Matt Copeland, head of policy and public affairs for National Energy Action, said: “The fact that electricit­y theft has increased even before we hit the colder months of the year shows how desperate this energy crisis is making people.

“Things are only going to get worse unless the UK Government steps in.”

Anyone convicted of dishonest use of electricit­y could face a prison sentence of up to five years. But of completed investigat­ions for crimes committed last year, only six per cent concluded with someone being charged or summonsed to appear before a court.

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