Golf Monthly

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Driver: Ping G400, 9˚, Mitsubishi Diamana 70TX shaft


Beating a slice

There could be many reasons, but it’s often poor set-up. Imagine a wall on the left side of the ball so you can’t swing left through impact. This will help your slice ultimately, but forget about where the ball goes for a while!

Reading greens

I heard this from Rickie Fowler, I think. He reads the last part of the putt first. Look at the last three feet and see what’s it going to do at the hole, then work your way back. This really helps you to visualise the putt.

Course management

If you really want to get your handicap down, then just apply some simple course management strategies, taking trouble out of play. Your handicap will come down because you’ll be in less trouble. Keep the ball in play – it’s the simplest strategy.

Holing out from three feet

Keep your eyes still and make sure your face alignment is good. Use a simple mirror just to make sure your eyes are in a good spot and nothing crazy is going on with the ball position.

Increasing power

The most obvious thing is that you’ve got to hit the ball harder if you want to hit it further. You should also work on middling the golf ball – a middle-to-toe strike would be optimal for distance.

Better ball-striking

The quality of your striking is a reflection of the order in which things are moving in your swing. You don’t want your body outracing your arms or vice versa. It’s got to be in the correct order and I use a specific drill called the re-route drill, where I set the club up outside the ball and have to then re-route to hit it. If I get quick with my body, I’ll miss the ball.

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