Golf Monthly

Letter of the Month

- John Allbrook, via email

What a fabulous four days The Masters provided this year, and yet it was so different to previous years. Here’s what I loved about it: no Green Books – this innovation has plagued the profession­al game for too long; no patrons – the lack of inane shouts such as “get in the hole” and “mashed potato” was refreshing and created an almost theatrical, reverentia­l atmosphere; and the drones and extra cameras provided views of Augusta we had never seen before.

Then there are the things I always love about The Masters: the traditions, the caddies' boiler suits and the number of people allowed to follow the players around inside the ropes, which has ruined many a hard-fought view when I have visited The Open. The Masters is quite simply a tournament where they get it right and others should take note. Roll on April 2021!

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