Golf Monthly

Quiz answers


1. C - Under Rule 4.1b, the player gets the general penalty for each hole where a breach happened, with a maximum of four penalty strokes in the round (adding two penalty strokes at each of the first two holes where a breach occurred). 2. C Under Rule 16.1, when taking relief, you must take complete relief from all interferen­ce by the abnormal course condition. Failing to take full relief means that Fergus has played from a wrong place. 3. A - Under Rule 15.1, any loose natural object is a loose impediment and may be removed anywhere on the golf course, including when in a penalty area. 4. A - Under Rule 7.1, the player is permitted to move sand in fairly searching for the ball but must re-create the original lie in the sand. They may, however, leave a small part of the ball visible if the ball had been covered by sand.


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