Golf Monthly

Bernd Wiesberger


1Wiesberge­r has a simple, orthodox, modern swing. His posture is very neutral and the shoulders are a fraction left of his foot line, which is going to encourage a soft fade, his preferred shot. I love how he keeps the clubhead and his hands a long way from his head, which helps create a nice, wide arc. It starts back low, and then the hips and shoulders begin to turn. Note how at waist high the shaft of the club going back is pretty much parallel to his toe line, which is a great neutral position. 2

His club is still going back as his hips are unwinding, which creates a massive lag. He gets his hips out of the way really quickly and comes on to his toes a little, the result of lots of power coming into the ball. I like how that right arm is still

tucked under his left arm a little, so it means his shoulders are square – back to where they were at set-up. It means that a foot or two either side of impact, the club is on the ball-totarget line, which would make it difficult to hit a ball off line.

3The position just after impact is fantastic; the club is still going towards the target, his hips have turned 75-80 degrees and he’s still looking at where the ball was. His head then comes up to a balanced position. A perfect balance at the end of the swing is down to everything being right. If you have a good set-up, good width and that clearance of the hips, that’s when you’ll get this beautiful finish. Not only that, you’ll hit the ball further and with greater accuracy more consistent­ly.

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