Good Housekeeping (UK)



Try these three different types of exercise for instant stress relief, says personal trainer Harkirat Mahal of Motivatept:

Raise your heart rate and release feelgood endorphins with short bursts of exercise. Try running up and down the stairs five times, or a 10-15 minute home workout (see Youtube).

Go for a power walk. It’s easy to stay indoors when the to-do list is mounting, but low-intensity exercise, such as walking, boosts circulatio­n and leaves you feeling more relaxed as well as alert.

Stop and squat! An easy way to stop rising panic and focus the mind is to try a stationary pose. With your back against a wall, slide down until your knees are at a right angle and hold. Thirty seconds means you need practice but 90 seconds or more is fantastic. Straighten your legs and repeat two or three times.

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