Good Housekeeping (UK)



Use them to clean up!

The microwave Heat a bowl of water with a chopped-up lemon in it on high until the window is steamy. Let the bowl sit for 15 minutes before you open the door, then clean away any grime.

Stained linen Cover the mark with a paste of lemon juice and salt. Let the mixture sit for half an hour, then rinse with vinegar and warm water.

The bathroom Run the cut side of a lemon over taps and plugholes to remove mineral deposits and make them shine. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Sweat stains Fight troublesom­e marks by rubbing them with lemon juice before washing as normal.

Stained chopping boards Run the cut side of a lemon over the board to remove food stains and smells. For extra cleaning power, sprinkle it with salt or bicarb first.

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