Good Housekeeping (UK)



We’ve been conditione­d into seeing weight loss as the goal of exercise, but that’s wrong, says Dr Chatterjee. ‘Weight loss is just a natural side-effect of living well.’ Rather than thinking ‘I need to exercise’, think ‘I need to move.’ Exercise also improves mental wellbeing and reduces the risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart attacks and strokes and developing type 2 diabetes.

1AIM TO WALK AT LEAST 10,000 STEPS A DAY Buy a pedometer or Fitbit and plan in a morning stroll.

2DO SOME FORM OF STRENGTH TRAINING TWICE A WEEK It can be anything from cycling or indoor climbing to yoga or the gym. Or try a five-minute kitchen workout: 5-10 squats, 5-10 calf raises, 5-10 press-ups, 5-10 tricep dips and 5-10 lunges (see drchatterj­­n-workout.cfm for full instructio­ns).

3DO TWO 10-MINUTE HIGHINTENS­ITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT) SESSIONS A WEEK Varying the intensity of your workout helps weight loss. Try this walking workout: walk as fast as you can for one minute. See where you’ve got to, then walk normally back to the start. Do it again, and this time see if you can get farther. Repeat five times.

4DO THREE OR FOUR MOVEMENT SNACKS FIVE DAYS A WEEK Put on some music and sing and dance, play at being animals with the kids, grab a skipping rope or do a load of star jumps.

5WAKE UP YOUR SLEEPY GLUTES Exercise those buttock muscles at least once a day to combat the fact we spend our days sitting.

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