Good Housekeeping (UK)

No booze ? No problem!

Whether you want to have a dry month or simply cut down throughout 2018, success is about finding what works for you



Many of us suffer from Everest Syndrome – in other words, we drink alcohol simply because it’s there. If this is you, put away boozy temptation and find a replacemen­t. Tonic water with ice and lemon sipped from a nice glass is surprising­ly satisfying. Alternativ­ely, experiment with syrups (we like Atkins & Pott’s Rosehip Syrup; £3.99, Lakeland) or a non-alcoholic spirit that’s been designed to suit a spirit drinker’s palate (Try Seedlip, a refreshing gin replacemen­t; £26, Tesco). Want to simply reduce your intake? The new own-brand Blueprint wine range from Waitrose (from £3.49) offers half bottles.


Going out? ‘Ask for your soft drink to be served in a wine glass,’ suggests Helen Foster, author of Quit Alcohol For A Month. ‘It stops people asking why you’re not drinking, plus there’s something about holding the stem of a glass that’s satisfying.’


‘Before opening that bottle, ask yourself: are you anxious, bored or lonely?’ says Rosamund Dean, author of Mindful Drinking: How Cutting Down Can Change Your Life. ‘Try to deal with any feelings in a positive way rather than numbing with alcohol. You can do this by planning drink-free distractio­ns, whether that’s going for a walk, running a relaxing bath or chatting to a friend. Starting a drinking diary – where you note down what you’re drinking and why – might also help as it increases awareness and motivation.’


Many of us drink in social situations simply because we’re anxious. Parties the problem? Try slipping in late when awkward small talk is over and the mood is more relaxed. ‘Brunch and breakfast are also your friends,’ says Helen. ‘They’re the perfect time to socialise as they don’t come loaded with the expectatio­n to drink.’ Out in the evening? ‘Plan your alcohol-free drink choice so that when you’re put on the spot, you don’t panic and agree to wine,’ suggests Rosamund.


‘Make a list of all the reasons you want to give up for a while – you can even set yourself a number, such as 50,’ says Helen. ‘Refer to your list whenever willpower starts to fade.’

Fibroscan is available on the NHS for heavy drinkers at risk of liver disease. Your GP may be able to refer you. But anyone who has a concern about their alcohol intake or liver can get a Fibroscan health check privately. Visit londonclin­ fibroscan-liver-test

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