Good Housekeeping (UK)

‘Home should be a place that restores, rejuvenate­s and replenishe­s – so clutter has to go,’ says Michelle Ogundehin, ELLE Decoration editor-at-large


My number one rule is simply, always store like with like. It means you'll never buy more than you need, and you’ll be able to find anything when you’re in a hurry. Focus your efforts. Limit yourself to one thing to purge – for example, newspapers and magazines. Imagine you’re moving house – would you pay someone to carry the item up three flights of stairs? If not, bin it. Allow yourself some memories. Buy a set of pretty boxes for all your bits and pieces. It’s fun to look at old letters and photos. And as you do it, you’ll reduce them organicall­y over time. Decant CDS and DVDS into Muji’s super-handy wallets. Cut the picture from the front of the cover to pop in front of the disc; store by genre. Keep books you consult regularly (cookbooks), would read again, lend to a friend, or pass on to your children. Everything else must go!

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