Good Housekeeping (UK)

‘I swam with sharks and stingrays’

After the unhappines­s of divorce, Carolyn Pearson, 53, found fresh resilience with the holiday of a lifetime.


Travel is a passion – my motto is, ‘travelling is the only thing you spend money on that makes you richer.’ I love exploring and delving into local cultures. It’s what led me to set up a company to connect female business travellers.

Sadly, my husband and I had different views on travel. He was lovely, but we had opposing outlooks on life that became obvious as we got older. It was my dream to visit Tahiti, and I had a picture of it as my phone screensave­r. For my 50th birthday, I begged him to go with me, but he thought it was expensive and unnecessar­y.

A year later, we separated. It was the best thing for us both, but divorcing after 20 years was difficult and disorienta­ting. I had to start again. On my 53rd birthday, I was alone and in tears, but I had to be resilient and find a way to enjoy my independen­ce. So I gifted myself the trip of my dreams – to sail around the South Pacific islands of Tahiti and Bora Bora.

When I set off last April, I was giddy with excitement and nerves. I arrived at night, and there were hula dancers in the airport. I spent two days in a hotel with the most beautiful view of Mo’orea island. I couldn’t believe I’d actually made it.

Two days later, I boarded the yacht to take me around the French Polynesian islands. There were nine other tourists on the boat but they didn’t speak much English so I was on my own. It didn’t bother me, because the experience­s were incredible. I believe in doing things that scare you, so on the first day I swam with sharks and stingrays.

On the last day, I visited the place I’d had as my screensave­r. It was so emotional. I went into a shop to buy a pearl, and the shopkeeper asked, ‘Has Tahiti been good to you?’ and I burst into tears because I was overwhelme­d with happiness. Back at the resort, I had lunch looking out at the ocean, feeling at peace.

At home I found the confidence to move on with life. I’m busy with my company and have met someone new. Whatever happens, I won’t forget the sense of fulfilment and independen­ce I found in Tahiti.

It has given me THE CONFIDENCE to move on with MY LIFE

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