Good Housekeeping (UK)


How much is too much? Digital detox expert Tanya Goodin shares her advice on striking the right balance


Why are our screens so addictive?

They’re deliberate­ly designed that way. A billion-dollar industry based in Silicon Valley has thrown all its resources at creating apps that produce bursts of dopamine (the ‘feelgood’ chemical) in our brains and keep us coming back for more.

Who is worse – adults or children?

Honestly, I think we’re as bad as each other! When I talk in schools, children tell me their parents make them feel unimportan­t and ignore when they’re glued to their phones answering work emails. Equally, parents say they regret the loss of family time when children are holed-up in their bedrooms on video games and social media. We’re all retreating into our screens for short-term fixes rather than putting effort into our immediate real-world relationsh­ips.

How long is too long?

An Oxford University study has shown that, after four hours of screen time in a day, there was a correlatio­n with mental wellbeing declining in teenagers. However, what’s more important is how we feel. If we’re down after too much time on social media, or if we feel exhausted all the time after staying up all night answering emails, then it’s time to cut down.

Is the iphone Screen Time feature helpful?

It’s useful up to a point. I’d recommend using it to give you a snapshot of how much time you’re spending on your phone – then put it away and don’t keep checking it. Using a feature on your phone to stop using your phone is counterint­uitive, – so avoid obsessivel­y checking your stats.

How can we cut down our screen time?

Try the 5-2 digital diet. If you look at screens all week, try to avoid them at the weekend. Although the bursts of dopamine you feel when someone likes your Facebook or Instagram post may be pleasurabl­e at the time, they increase anxiety because you come to expect them. Turn off notificati­ons on your phone, or leave it at home when you go out. It’s not as scary as it seems! ◆ Stop Staring At Screens by Tanya Goodin (Ilex), octopusboo­

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