Good Housekeeping (UK)

STOP ANTS IN THEIR TRACKS… (and other unwanted guests!)

We love the long, warm summer days but not the ants, wasps and flies they bring with them. To help stop these pests, and others, from spoiling your summer fun, we asked the British Pest Control Associatio­n for its top tips.



✗ DON’T leave spills lying around, particular­ly if you’ve spilled something sweet. Clean them up promptly to avoid attracting ants and flies.

✓DO empty your kitchen food waste caddy regularly, and move the waste to an outdoor bin with a closed lid. If your bins are cracked or broken, ask your local authority to replace them.

✓DO clean the lid of your kitchen food waste caddy a few times a week using antibacter­ial spray. Give it a thorough clean once a week using an antibacter­ial cleaner, then leave it to dry naturally. If it’s an awkward size to clean in the kitchen sink, take it outside or wash it in the bath.

✓DO rinse food and drink residue from recyclable packaging before putting it in your recycling bin. Food scraps and sugary liquids can attract pests.


✗ DON’T keep your bins in direct sunlight as it will make the rubbish decompose faster and the smell is a magnet for pests.

✓DO Pressure-wash your outdoor bins or use the hose and some Jeyes Fluid (£9.99 for 1 litre; as soon as they’ve been emptied. Turn them upside down to dry, then either use a wheelie bin liner or line the bottom with newspaper.

✗ DON’T leave food uncovered if you’re eating alfresco. If wasps can’t ‘smell’ your food, they won’t bug you. Most of the time, wasps are attracted to protein-based foods and are only attracted to sugary treats towards the end of the summer.

✓DO clear leaves from gutters, where they can cause rainwater to build up. Even small amounts of standing water can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Find a trusted pest controller online at

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