Good Housekeeping (UK)



Beata Aleksandro­wicz loves this yogic breathing technique. ‘Doing alternate nostril-breaths calms the nervous system and has a deeply relaxing and meditative effect,’ she says.

• Sit comfortabl­y with a straight back, feet touching the floor and hands on your knees. Breathe regularly in and out several times to bring yourself to the present moment.

• After a few intentiona­l breaths, exhale fully, then use your right thumb to close your right nostril.

• Inhale through your left nostril and then close it with your right ring finger.

• Open the right nostril and exhale through this side.

• Inhale through the right nostril. Close it with your thumb.

• Open the left nostril and exhale through the left side.

• Repeat the whole cycle three times.

BEATA’S TIP: ‘Breathe regularly all the time and avoid any tensing up of arms or shoulders – it needs to flow.’

 ??  ?? Use your breath to balance your mind and body
Use your breath to balance your mind and body

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