Good Housekeeping (UK)

1 ADAPTOGENS: your skin’s new bodyguards


Anti-inflammato­ry, antimicrob­ial and anti-oxidant when taken as supplement­s or sipped in teas, adaptogeni­c compounds from herbs and plants have also been found to balance the hormone cortisol and help lower stress. The herb ashwagandh­a is the current darling, with many holistic doctors prescribin­g it, while ginseng, rhodiola, reishi mushrooms and CBD are just a few other prized adaptogens.

With stress-related skin conditions such as rosacea, acne and sensitivit­y at an all-time high, it comes as no surprise that skincare brands are now packing these healing botanicals into creams and lotions. But do they work as well topically?

According to Tea & Tonic’s Sarah Strang, it’s a yes. ‘They calm stressed-out skin,’ she confirms. ‘That’s by quelling inflammati­on, neutralisi­ng damaging free radicals and supporting skin healing. They also boost cell renewal.’

And there’s more reason to recommend them, too, according to Laura Rudoe of Adaptology. ‘There are adaptogens, notably wild indigo (or neurophrol­ine), that physically lower the cortisol level in the skin [to the tune of 70% in two hours, one clinical study shows], which rises when we’re stressed and sets off inflammati­on,’ she says. Inflammati­on can lead to conditions such as acne and is key to accelerati­ng skin ageing, so managing it is crucial. ‘Other specific effects of adaptogens include reductions in pigmentati­on, dullness and wrinkle depth,’ adds Laura. This suggests that a softly-softly, skin-calming approach to skincare can achieve similar results to that of hardcore anti-ageing ingredient­s, such as retinol and acids.

 ??  ?? Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Mega-mushroom Relief & Resilience Soothing Treatment Lotion, from £20, uses reishi, chaga and sea buckthorn.
Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Mega-mushroom Relief & Resilience Soothing Treatment Lotion, from £20, uses reishi, chaga and sea buckthorn.
 ??  ?? Loum Stress Detox Enzymatic Cleanser, £30, with wild indigo, broad-spectrum CBD and red microalgae.
Loum Stress Detox Enzymatic Cleanser, £30, with wild indigo, broad-spectrum CBD and red microalgae.
 ??  ?? Tea & Tonic Bright Awakening Light Face Oil, £45, includes schisandra, holy basil and ginseng.
Tea & Tonic Bright Awakening Light Face Oil, £45, includes schisandra, holy basil and ginseng.
 ??  ?? Adaptology Red Avert Moisturise­r, £44, contains ashwagandh­a, chaga and wild indigo.
Adaptology Red Avert Moisturise­r, £44, contains ashwagandh­a, chaga and wild indigo.

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