Good Housekeeping (UK)



Nailing its ‘meno’ colours to the mast (pot, tube and ampoule), skincare that specifical­ly targets a menopausal audience is the next big thing. But is it just smart marketing to the sizeable number of women who have been hitherto ignored by the majority of beauty brands? Certainly products that are mindful of menopausal, perimenopa­usal or postmenopa­usal skin’s unique needs are a good idea, not least as there are multiple, often conflictin­g, issues to contend with. ‘Due to steeply dropping oestrogen levels, your skin will produce far less plumping, densifying collagen on its own, so more powerful but sometimes irritating collagen boosters are called for, just as skin becomes more sensitised and prone to redness,’ says dermatolog­ist Dr Alia Ahmed. ‘Deep hydration is another must, as the loss of oestrogen affects your skin barrier, so skin will be much drier, but you also have to mitigate the risk of breakouts [fluctuatin­g hormones can cause these out of the blue] and worsening hot flushes,’ she adds. Of course, there is plenty of ‘generic’ skincare that helps with these issues, but ‘meno’ skincare can offer a unique service in providing for these conundrums in a neat, targeted package, such as one that might include peptides and bakuchiol (trustworth­y but irritation-free collagen generators), microdosed retinol, non-stinging forms of vitamin C, plant oestrogens and skin barrier builders, such as ceramides and essential fatty acids. The best brands offer a choice of hydrating gel and serum textures based on humectants such as glycerin, alongside luxurious creams based on plant oils – so you can choose the texture that’s right for your skin. What you don’t need are products with high levels of fragrance, ‘cooling’ alcohol or menthol, as these all irritate delicate skin.

 ??  ?? Prai x M&S Menoglow Ultra Rejuvenati­ng Sleep Mask, £30, intensivel­y hydrates and repairs a brittle moisture barrier.
Prai x M&S Menoglow Ultra Rejuvenati­ng Sleep Mask, £30, intensivel­y hydrates and repairs a brittle moisture barrier.
 ??  ?? Montana All About Me Menopause CBD Oil, £80, calms irritated skin and can be ingested to dampen stress. It has soothing CBD, plus vitamins D and E.
Indeed Labs Me-no-pause Cooling Mist, £19.99, cools with cucumber, calms with wild indigo and hydrates with humectants.
L’oréal Paris Age Perfect 7 Day Cure Collagen Expert Retighteni­ng Ampoules, £19.99, are packed with high levels of peptides and amino acids to reset slack skin.
Montana All About Me Menopause CBD Oil, £80, calms irritated skin and can be ingested to dampen stress. It has soothing CBD, plus vitamins D and E. Indeed Labs Me-no-pause Cooling Mist, £19.99, cools with cucumber, calms with wild indigo and hydrates with humectants. L’oréal Paris Age Perfect 7 Day Cure Collagen Expert Retighteni­ng Ampoules, £19.99, are packed with high levels of peptides and amino acids to reset slack skin.
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