Good Housekeeping (UK)




If you’ve had a stressful day, or you predict a full-on day ahead, use your shower to reset.  Begin by adding a few drops of frankincen­se essential oil to the base of the shower (don’t worry, used neat they’re not slippery). Thanks to its sedative properties, this oil can aid meditation and soothe frayed nerves.

 Switch on the water and let the fragrance rise. Step away from the water and breathe deeply for a while: in for three, hold for four then exhale for five. Repeat until you feel calm.

 Enjoy the warmth of the water while still breathing in that controlled way. Turn off the spray and be still for a moment to come back to the room.

TIP: Try a shower bouquet

Instead of using shop-bought essential oils, you can pick fresh herbs and hang them in your shower – the heat and steam will help them release their amazing oils. Try rosemary to improve focus, memory and concentrat­ion. A fresh bunch will last for a couple of weeks of daily showering.


You don’t have to go the full Wim Hof iceman – but turning your dial to cold, even briefly, can be great for easing anxiety. Set your shower to cold for 30 seconds, hold your breath and let the chilly water hit your face around the nose and nostrils. Afterwards, you should feel more relaxed and less angsty. It works thanks to the mammalian dive reflex: a primal response activated by cold water hitting receptors around the nostrils that signals we are about to dive and oxygen will be restricted. ‘This can cause your body to calm down, helping to slow breathing and anxious thoughts. But it’s not recommende­d for those with heart problems.

If you have time, carry on the feelgood moments with some neck and shoulder stretches. They feel amazing and iron out the kinks.

 Roll a bath towel lengthwise (warm is best) and put it around your neck, holding the ends with both hands. Lean back and arch your neck, holding it for a few seconds before releasing. Repeat five times.

 Pull the ends of the towel down and around the front of your shoulders. While gripping the ends of the towel, place your fists in the small of your back as you move your elbows back and open your chest. Hold for a few seconds then release. Feel any tension ease. Repeat five times.

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