Good Housekeeping (UK)

Get the de-stress habit



Listen to music. A new study from The British Academy of Sound Therapy reveals that music takes 13 minutes to ‘release sadness’ and nine to make you happy. Try listening to Classic FM playlists ( for 2 meditation or relaxation.

Take B vitamins. Research shows that B vitamins are natural stress zappers, helping to calm the nervous system, support immunity and boost mood. Try taking a 3 B complex in times of stress.

Learn to meditate. It’s the best stress diffuser. ‘Newbies should try the easy and beautiful “so hum”, a sanskrit chant that means “and so it is”’, says trainer Amy Malloy (theworldof­ ‘Say “so” on an inhale and “hum” on an exhale to help you find acceptance for what’s happening 4 in the moment.’

Ration your tech. Fear of missing out and being constantly ‘on call’ raises stress levels. Can’t switch off? Try Amy’s tips…  Leave your phone in another room, turned up only for calls.

 Change your phone display to greyscale – it makes it far less enticing.  Avoid the rabbit hole! Make a mental note of what you are picking the phone up to do, then stop when you’ve 5 done it! Think positive! It’s reckoned that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations. Easiest way? Smile! ‘It’s one of the best ways to switch up your mindset,’ says Alison Davies, author of Manifest Your Power (Hardie Grant). ‘Smile and feel the expression light up your face. Focus on a positive thought, even if it’s something as simple as, “I am filled with positive energy.”’

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