Good Housekeeping (UK)



 Not all expedition voyages are in cold climates. While Antarctica and the Arctic are the most popular destinatio­ns, there are tropical sailings that explore Borneo, Papua New Guinea, Australia’s Kimberley region and the coast of Africa.

 There are a wide variety of ships and prices, so do your research. Some carry just a few guests and others hold hundreds of passengers. If you’re visiting Antarctica, ships are limited to 500 passengers and can only put 100 guests ashore at any one time, so it’s better to opt for a smaller ship if you want more opportunit­ies to land.

 Decide whether you feel it’s worth paying for ships that have high-tech helicopter­s and submersibl­es, or those that focus more on Zodiac and kayak tours and have more facilities on board (because they don’t have to devote space to storing such equipment).  Be ready to be flexible on expedition cruises. Nature calls the shots and changing weather conditions or other circumstan­ces mean arrangemen­ts are often altered. Luckily, crews are geared up for this and often have a plan B, as well as a plan C, D and E!

 Check your travel insurance covers you for more adventurou­s activities, and be aware that some cruise companies require guests to buy policies that include medical evacuation and repatriati­on.

 Cruise lines will generally provide each passenger with their own parka, which is then theirs to keep, as well as sturdy boots to use during the voyage. You will need to bring your own hiking boots, waterproof trousers, gloves and hats etc, but not fancy evening outfits, as the dress code is generally casual.

 Remember to expect the unexpected. There are no guarantees when it comes to most sightings or activities, but their unpredicta­ble nature is what makes this type of cruise more exciting. n

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