Grazia (UK)

A right royal shake-up


Pippa’s engagement is a two fingers up to outdated aristo snobbery, says Grazia’s Emily Maddick

Love ’em or loathe ’em, you have to hand it to those Middletons – they never fail to mix things up. For just as unfeasible as the future Queen of England having a potential sister-in-law who used to star in

Byker Grove (Donna Air), now we have the Duchess of Cambridge’s sister marrying the brother of a reality TV star. And one, no less, who’s bedded more than 1,000 women, admits to snorting cocaine and is regarded as the arch-villain of the Z-list. And I say ha-ha-hurrah. One close friend of the royal family told me that certain blue-blooded types are ‘seething’ at the fact that, thanks to Pippa’s engagement, Made In Chelsea’s Spencer Matthews will now be part of the extended royal family. ‘How vulgar!’ they cry. What’s more, those aristo chums of Wills who reportedly once sneered at the Middletons’ home in Berkshire – ‘they have a tarmac drive, for God’s sake’ – are now said to be appalled that yet another one-generation­away-from-working-class-human is entering the periphery of The Firm. Joining the ranks of Carole Middleton, who grew up in a council flat, is Pippa’s future father-in-law, who started life as a mechanic in Rotherham. Mr Matthews Snr is now a multimilli­onaire who owns the exclusive Eden Rock hotel on the Caribbean island St. Barths. As Spencer once said, ‘My father did very well for himself and wanted the best for his children. Anyone would want the same.’ Hear bloody hear. Our whole country is living in topsy-turvy times – everything it means to be British has been challenged in recent weeks – and now here we have another Middleton turning our class system on its head through a love match. Meanwhile, let’s spare a thought for those disgruntle­d royals. I mean, how will they cope with a handsome, eligible man, who wouldn’t look out of place stark-bollock naked with a gaggle of blondes in Vegas, joining the family? Siblings, eh.

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