Grazia (UK)

me, My Selfie andi

BIRDY, 19 We ask the singer to take a selfie – and reveal all

- Birdy’s new album Beautiful Lies is out now; her UK tour kicks off in October

Who is your best friend?

My school friend Be Becky, who I’ve known since I was 13. We don’t get to see a lot of each other these days but

when we do talk it’s like there’s been no time in-between.

What’s your biggest regret?

Plucking all my eyebrows out when I was 12. I looked really awful. Luckily, they’ve grown back.

What’s your biggest extravagan­ce?

When I see vintage velvet dresses I just have to have them. I have a collection of these long dresses that I probably couldn’t wear to anything because they’re so weird.

What’s your type?

Someone who can make me feel comfortabl­e in my own skin, because I’m hugely awkward. My boyfriend is very sweet, it’s nice to have someone who accepts you for who you are.

When was the last time you were embarrasse­d?

I have a habit of whacking my head on the microphone stand during shows. I always have to pretend it didn’t happen, but it’s so painful. I do it almost every time.

When was the last time you lost your temper?

At my sister Caitlin, who is always stealing my clothes. She’s three years younger than me and we are very close but a lot of theft goes on.

What from the past would you like to delete from the internet?

All the interviews I’ve done. I can’t bear watching myself talk. I feel far more comfortabl­e singing and am defifinite­ly most confifiden­t on stage. I’d be happier if I could sing my way through life instead of talking.

Who owes you an apology?

Caitlin. I had some lovely All Saints boots and she thought it would be a good idea to wear them to a festival. I recently found them in a plastic bag at home. They were all crusty.

Who or what would go into your Room 101?

All the spiders in the world; I’m terrififie­d of them. I’d put them all in one big room and lock the door.

Tell us a secret.

To warm up before a show I sing Céline Dion [above right] songs. My band hate it – I have to go next door.

What’s the biggest misconcept­ion about you?

That I just do covers and don’t write my own music.

Who do you miss the most?

My family when I’m away on tour [pictured with her dad, top]. I’m a home bird. Going on tour is always exciting, but there’s often a bit in the middle when you want to go home.

What is your biggest life lesson?

To say no to things and just speak your mind. But I’m shy so it took me a long time to realise I could do that.


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‘Morning after the end-of-tour party’

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