Grazia (UK)

Me, my selfie and I

HENRY HOLLAND, 33 We ask the designer to take an exclusive selfie – and reveal all


Who is your best friend?

Jessica Fletcher, who I run my company with. I met her when I was 12 and we’ve pretty much been together every day since. She’s mannish, I’m girly, so we meet in the middle.

What’s your biggest regret?

Not dressing more adventurou­sly when I was young. I wish I had been more daring and crazy. If you can’t look back at pictures of yourself without thinking you looked absolutely ridiculous, then you really didn’t try hard enough.

What’s your biggest extravagan­ce?

Shoes. The first thing I ever bought for more than £1,000 was a pair of shoes. I freaked out.

What is your type?

Anyone who is comfortabl­e laughing at themselves and being really silly. People often try not to be too childish; I try and do the opposite.

When was the last time you were embarrasse­d?

I arrived late for a posh party and tried to slip in unnoticed with a friend. She went over on her heels and flew into a table, smashing loads of glasses.

When was the last time you lost your temper?

This morning! I had a row with my boyfriend [David Hodgson, top]. It’s pretty common in the mornings – we usually have a mini-row and then make up by the time we get to the office. I think it’s healthy.

What from the past would you delete from the internet?

Evidence of some of my shows. What I do is so closely attached to where you are personally, so when I’m in the depths of despair it doesn’t translate very well. I’d get rid of some of the shocking outfits from those times.

Who owes you an apology?

My boyfriend after our row this morning.

Who or what would go into your Room 101?

Blurry photos.

Tell us a secret.

I’m obsessed with autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) videos online. It’s this weird movement where people respond to noises like the rustle of a paper or the scratch of a pen. It really relaxes me.

What’s the biggest misconcept­ion about you?

That I do no work and just go to parties. I do party, but I also work very hard.

Who do you miss the most?

My French bulldog Peggy. I can Facetime or text everyone else, but you can’t text your dog.

What is your biggest life lesson?

To believe in yourself. I didn’t set out to do what I’m doing right now, partly because I didn’t think that I would be able to. But when I did actually give it a go, it turns out that I could do it. You have to go after what you want.

Henry Holland was speaking in partnershi­p with Sony Mobile’s Xperia X


 ??  ?? ‘Great day shooting with the Xperia’
‘Great day shooting with the Xperia’

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