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VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sep

Even though you may have enjoyed being in the spotlight recently you’re about to realise that you’ve some serious business to manage. And as the Sun enters Libra before joining forces with Jupiter you’ll be at your most confident and outgoing. But that’s no excuse to push people around or give the impression that you’ve nothing new to learn. There’s plenty to study to ensure that you broaden your knowledge and enhance your reputation.

LIBRA 24 Sep – 23 Oct

As you feel the impact of Venus leaving your sign and entering Scorpio you’ll be reminded that certain others aren’t nearly as clever with money as you are. And you’ll be inclined to offer them some advice, which is fine provided you don’t leave them feeling patronised. A light touch is absolutely essential.

SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Intensely personal matters may have proved difficult recently. So it should come as a huge relief to find that even the most tricky situations are about to be resolved. However, you must be more discerning when it comes to sharing confidenti­al informatio­n with people you really don’t know very well.

SAGITTARIU­S 23 Nov – 21 Dec

It’s possible that a career or financial matter has gone awry. But that’s no reason to give up hope and stop striving to put things right. One or two people who have been unhelpful or inattentiv­e are about to return to the scene with every intention of providing the support and back-up you need. Let them.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec – 20 Jan

All those who have been telling you that you’re being singled out for something profitable are about to be proven right. It’s important not to forget how much they’ve encouraged you to persist with a situation which at times must have seemed fairly hopeless. Let them know how much you appreciate their input.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan – 19 Feb

In the past it may have been hard to decide who could or could not be trusted within a work or other formal set-up. But with Mercury resuming its usual, forwards direction, you’ll see how to tell who really is on your side. Don’t confront those who lack integrity. They’re simply not worth the trouble.

PISCES 20 Feb – 20 Mar

Now that you’re in a position to iron out minor problems with a loved one, you can turn your mind to practical matters. You might even find that by concentrat­ing hard on a work-related or financial issue you can transform a potential loss into a substantia­l profit. But you will have to keep your nerve.

ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Perhaps it has been hard for you to feel sufficient­ly empowered to handle some difficult people. This is all about to change as Pluto does a U-turn and no longer appears to move backwards through your chart. Tell yourself you can at last take giant strides towards the sense of achievemen­t you’ve craved.

TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

You may have to accept that a light-hearted phase is over. It’s only a minor blip. And once you’ve put everything you’ve got into a work or financial situation that’s been going wrong, you can return to a set-up that never fails to put a smile on your face. Be glad you know how to apply yourself.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 Jun

Some people may wonder how you manage to add a touch of magic to areas that seem dull until you arrive on the scene. Don’t try to answer them. Simply enjoy the fact that you’re able to get the best out of the kind of scenario that would leave others feeling dazed and confused.

CANCER 22 Jun – 23 Jul

Irritating though it might have been to manage other people’s mix-ups, you should now be able to head straight for the answers you need. A Mercury-pluto link urges you not to show your impatience with those who should have known better. They need to be supported rather than judged.

LEO 24 Jul – 23 Aug

After having been confounded by financial or business arrangemen­ts that made little sense, you’ll soon see very clearly what has been going on. Let others know that a very confusing phase is coming to an end. But don’t think that everyone else can be trusted to be as clear-thinking as you. Keep a watchful eye.

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